Drake & Partners

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Drake & Partners Host Industry Networking Event

December, 2019

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Contact: Tom Drake

Tel: 01604 620616

Northampton surveying company Drake & Partners were pleased to host a Christmas event for lots of local companies and individuals that they work with.

The event was attended by various surveying companies, developers, investors, solicitors and financial professionals and was used as a chance to catch up and review the year.

Joe Smith, Partner at Drake & Partners commented: ‘We are always pleased to catch up with competitors and clients to discuss the market and build relationships. We always feel it does more good to work together to provide a better service and it was great to catch up with lots of of the people we have worked with over the year. There was a lot of positive feedback and promises to return the favour next year!’.

The event was attended by (amongst others) Drake & Partners, Lloyds, CS2, Hampton Brook, EMW and several more.

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